Kirtan Rabbi Blog

Monthly Archives: December 2014

Eight Days, Eight Songs. Candle Eight: Ein Od Milvado (Track 10 on Nondual)

Listen to this music by clicking here. I chose this final, well-known chant to be the Shavasana moment of Nondual. What do I mean by that? Just as in a […]

Eight Days, Eight Songs. Candles 5-7: The Shema Medley

Shema Medley: Yotzer Or; Ahavah Rabah; the Shema These three songs comprise Tracks 7 through 9 of Nondual. They are adaptations of the sequence of prayers in a regular Jewish […]

Eight Days, Eight Songs. Candle Four: Zikr (Tracks 5 & 6 from Nondual)

This is part of Kirtan Rabbi’s Gift of Listening: Eight Days, Eight Songs. To hear this candle and the previous ones, please click on the: Kirtan Rabbi Music Player Zikr […]

Eight Days, Eight Songs. Candle Three: Havayah (Track 4 from Nondual)

This is part of Kirtan Rabbi’s Gift of Listening: Eight Days, Eight Songs. To hear this candle and the previous ones, please click on the: Kirtan Rabbi Music Player Havayah […]

Eight Days, Eight Songs. Candle Two: All Worlds (Track 3 from Nondual)

This song is arguably the happiest moment on the album  – and that’s a lot to say for an album with one fun and happy moment after another! It stands […]

Eight Days, Eight Songs. Candle One: Kedushah Medley (Tracks 1 & 2 from Nondual)

Together, these first two tracks of Nondual, offered me an opportunity to start the CD by expressing gratitude to my Reform Jewish upbringing – an upbringing which did not always […]