About the Making of this CD

Recording one thing i seek

Featured in this photo (clockwise from left): Michelle (Malka) Miller, Shoshana Jedwab, Noah Baumwoll, Sadie Rosenthal, and Doron Avizov.

Achat Sha’alti was produced in an intimate living room setting in Greenwich Village, New York City. While I still believe that genuine Kirtan is a live, co-created experience, recording in the studio gave me an opportunity to offer something completely different from  Kirtan Rabbi: Live! The result is  Achat Sha’alti: A CD for meditation and prayer featuring soothing vocals, complex sonic textures, and compositional elements which bring out the inner intentions of the Hebrew.

This CD is the result of a close collaboration between myself and Grammy-award winner, Frank Wolf. All of the compositions, arrangements and – except where noted – melodies are mine. I also helped Frank with the edits and with understanding the musical needs of the Hebrew language. From that point on, Frank’s contributions were enormous.

Rabbi Andrew Hahn working with Frank Wolf

Rabbi Andrew Hahn working with Frank Wolf

He recorded, engineered, and mixed the music. The creative soundscaping and masterful placement of energy points come from his talent and sensitivity. Mostimportantly, Frank served as my mentor and teacher, and coached the singers in the Kirtan Rabbi Posse.